As we began our planning for STEMpact, we listened to the voices of school district personnel and we aligned our efforts with the gaps they identified.

Deborah Patterson

STEMpact Founder
It's time to get involved!

The careers of the future are here, and they are waiting to be filled by workers skilled in science, technology, engineering, and math — STEM. If current trends continue, there will not be enough qualified Illinoisans or Missourians to fill 1.2 million local STEM jobs in the pipeline.

How do we overcome this deficit? Education is the key to meeting the STEM demand, and STEMpact is an innovative and proven program for educators filling that need.

STEMpact believes that teachers are in the best position to inspire and prepare students for STEM success. To meet the growing demand for integrating STEM topics into all subjects, we’ve designed ground-breaking, professional development programs targeted to educators, schools, and districts. As a result of our efforts, we’ve seen the growing success of STEMpact participants and how they are making an impact. Most importantly, we’ve witnessed the growth of student achievement as they become critical thinkers and problem solvers.

However, as the demand for STEM education continues to grow exponentially, we realize that we can’t do it alone. STEMpact – and the future of St. Louis’ economic growth – depends on funding support from companies, foundations, and individuals. With your donation, we can expand enrollment to accommodate all educators eager to bring STEM education into their classrooms and schools. Together, we can continue to build our region’s STEM capacity by developing quality schools, so all students can enter the workforce and compete for the jobs of the future.

How can you become involved in STEMpact?

You can be part of influencing this change. Help us continue our success and join us in our mission of building a stronger, STEM-capable region.


Ready. Set. STEMitize.

students reached through STEMpact classroom programs

exemplary teachers integrating STEM curriculum

STEM job openings Missouri needs to fill over the next year

local organizations collaborating to support STEMpact


A Different Approach

Traditional STEM programs offer one-time professional development classes, STEM camps or after school programs. STEMpact offers a different approach…

  • STEMpact teaches educators how to integrate STEM curriculum into everyday teaching methods in their classrooms
  • STEMpact facilitators work with teachers throughout the school year
  • STEMpact initiatives include exposure to the real-world applications of STEM skills from the region’s leading employers
  • STEMpact gives students early and continual exposure to STEM
  • STEMpact is one of the only long-term programs in existence that is influencing systematic change

Funding Forward-Thinking

Thanks to the support of these proud partners, STEMpact is shining a spotlight on the current gaps and future needs in the STEM economy.
Burns McDonnel Foundation

Funding Forward-Thinking

Thanks to the support of these proud partners, STEMpact is shining a spotlight on the current gaps and future needs in the STEM economy.

Platinum Funders

$100,000 and up

Gold Funders

$50,000 to $99,999

Silver Funders

$25,000 to $49,999

Bronze Funders

$1,000 to $24,999

Interested In Joining Us?

STEMpact continually strives to increase the number of active partners working
to improve STEM education. If you would like to get involved, contact us today.